Each Marginal voice takes a person listed in the minuets and vocalizes what they say by using a famous voice synthesized by a computer. The part of the chairman, for instance might be read out by Queen Elizabeth the second, or the representative from the Greater Bedminster Community Partnership is voiced by Barak Obama.
Synthesizing Famous voices, is a controversial subject, as the technique becomes easier and more wide spread, copyright laws for infringing someone's voice are being hammered out as i write.
Searching the internet turns up a few famous voices, and there now exists software to help model voices.
Here are a few personalities reading from the minuets.
Here are a few links to speech engines
ispeech Obama
ispeech Bush
Marginal voices encourage people to listen to the minuets, and pick up on the minutia of the information contianed within them, for instance the Queen talking about what her children had made at school,takes on a whole new landscape, and new perspectives released
Keeping with the marginal feel this concept is expanded upon, engaging voices from different dissident groups and personalities from history for example the Diggers, Zappatistas or Krondstadt Anarchists.
Playing with the roles of the community groups, giving them different qualities and perceptions, all to do with how they are voiced, and the baggage attached to it.
whilst this section is voiced by Alan Ginsberg